Frank Hardy Made My Photographs Two

Archive for the ‘East Hill’ Category

Clubbs Junior High Homerooms …

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These were taken back in 1957 at Clubbs Junior High School on 12th Avenue in Pensacola.  I know that I have posted other photos from Clubbs before, but I just ran across these negatives the other day.  I still have boxes of negatives to go through and decided that 2018 was the year to finish that project.  Whether I will or not, we will just have to wait and see.  There is no information on any of these groups other than they were ” homerooms “.  I guess if someone has a yearbook they might be able to go through it and see if they were used.  However, I do not know if they were taken in 1957 for the 1958 school year or just happen to for the 1957 year. There are around fifty or so groups, but I only cleaned up a handful of them.  Mostly the ones that required the least amount of Photoshop.  The negatives are not in the best condition … sixty-one years have not been kind to them.  I really have no comments about any of them, since I was only four in 1957 and did not know any of the kids.  One of the male teachers looks familiar to me, but other than him all of the others are complete strangers.  With out further ado …

The man in the top row, far left of the last photo is the only person of all of the photos that even looks remotely familiar.  This photo was taken on the north side of school next to the cafeteria I believe.  Some of the other groups were taken on the front steps of the school that faced 12th Avenue.  They tore this building down and replaced it with the N B Cook School for Performing Arts or something to that effect.  So if you are driving around East Hill on 12th Avenue looking for this old building, you are 15 or 20 years too late.  If anyone went to Clubbs in 1957 or 58 and recognizes anyone, please feel free to comment.  I would be interested in hearing from you personally, so please speak up.  I plan on getting back into the swing and posting here a regular basis for 2018 and the future.  I still have a lot to share.  I just apologize for not having any information to share about any of these photos that I post.  Well, not any information but just a little.  I also found some Clubbs sports teams that I will scan when I get a chance and post so please check back.  Happy New Year ….

Easter Sunrise Service in Pensacola at Bayview Park on Bayou Texar …

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Sunrise Service 1956 _ RTP _ 31 July 15 _ SFW

This post is going to be all over place … Going from Bayview Park on Bayou Texar to First Baptist’s new church building on Palafox Street, so please bear with me on this.  But at least you are going to see some interesting images that I do not think that I have posted before or if I have it was years ago.  Here we go … the other day Troy Moon from the Pensacola News Journal wrote an article about some group wanting to remove the cross at Bayview Park on Bayou Texar. The cross sits on the site where the Easter Sunrise Services were first held and the group wants the cross aken down because it offends them – my words not Troy’s.  I do not have any photos of the cross, but I do have photos from one of the Easter Sunrise Services that was held on the site from back in the 1950’s.  The First Baptist Church of Pensacola held the services and it was widely attended by thousands of people and I can remember going with my parents and having a good time as a kid. The choir’s sashes have ” PHS ” on them, so I am assuming them to be from Pensacola High School.  That could never happen today …. a public school participating in a Christian Church’s function would most likely take an act of Congress in these times for that to happen.  But I will not go there … Here is another view of the stage –

Sunrise Service 1956_2 _ RTP _ 31 July 15 _ SFW

Apparently First Baptist Church was in a growth spirt at this time and they were out growing the building that they had been in and had decided to build a new sanctuary on Palafox Street in downtown Pensacola.  I know that I have photos of the original church and congregation in older posts, so if you want to search them here on the blog, please feel free.  So they must have been doing something right at the Easter Services since the church was attracting new members.  Now this is where I shift gears and go to some ground breaking photos on Palafox …

Man with Shovel_SFW_31 July 15

Lady with Shovel_SFW_31 July 15

I have no idea who these people are and I have other photos from the ground – breaking, but these were handy and ready.  Now I am going to move onto some the new sanctuary photographs …

First Baptist _Interior 2_SFW _ 31 JUly 15

First Baptist Dedication Day 1_Cropped_SFW_31 July 15

The second image is a panorama view from the first service held in the new church sanctuary.  I have a photo of Reverend Jim Pleitz that I ran across and I am embarrassed to admit that I do not know if he was here when the new church was built, but I am sure that someone out there can tell us …

Jim Pleitz 2 _ RTP_31 July 15 _ SFW

And the last photo is a view of downtown Pensacola with a sign and a cross adverting the Easter Sunrise Service at Bayview Park.  You know that would never be allowed today, since no telling how many people that it would offend today.  I want to thank Troy Moon for writing the article and it would be worth your time to read it and see how ridiculous this group’s request is.  Whatever happened to if you do not like something, just turning your head until you pass or just not going there to begin with.  I guess that the people who like the cross’s meaning and beauty have no say so in this issue.  Here is the Pensacola downtown photo …

Pensacola Downtown_1955_56_RTP _ SFW

Thanks to Troy Moon for writing the article and I am sure he will keep us posted with the group’s progress in demolishing / taking-down the cross.  Stay safe … it is a crazy world out there!!!  That is it for me.  Feel free to comment and please check back and please read the PNJ … Who knows, maybe Andy Marlette will draw a cartoon with Mayor Ashton with a hammer and chisel taking down the cross and the City Council picking up the pieces and hauling them off in Councilman May’s truck.

Water Skiing on Bayou Texar …

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Ski Club 9 _ RTP_ 7 July 15 _ SFW

I have posted some photos from this ski show  that the ski club had back in 1979.  I ran across these photos a while back and have been sitting on them for a while, so I thought that I work them up to post.  I remember getting some comments when I posted the other ski club photos and thought that you might enjoy looking at them.  As usual, I do not know who any of the skiers are since they are younger than me.  I would guess that the boy and girl on either ends of the group above might be Bonifay children, but as usual, I could be wrong.  Here are some of the group skiing …


Ski Club 14_RTP_7 July 15 _ SFW


Ski Club 2 with Boat _ RTP _ 7 July 15 _ SFW

That is all for now.  I have not gotten a lot of images worked up to post, but I am working on a few as I write this.  Please check back and feel free to leave any comments that you might have … Frank

Bayou Texar …

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Bayou Texar _ RTP _ 1 July 15  SFW

This is Bayou Texar around 1920, if I had to make a guess.  I would also guess that this area would be south of the Cervantes Street Bridge.  The grass flats are still in the area and the oak trees on the bank are still there.  Someone had brought me this image to copy thirty years or more and they told me that it was a photo of their family.  The photo was in horrible shape and they did not want to spend the money to have the image restored, so I just copied the print and made copies.  I found the negative and scanned it, then worked it up in Photoshop in an hour or so.  And that is what you are seeing here.  I do not know who the photographer was, but it looks like an image that might have been created by Cottrell, who was located in downtown Pensacola at the time this photo might have been made.  But as usual, that is only a guess and I could be completely wrong.  I can not remember who brought this print to me either, it was such a long time ago.  I have been busy with other things the last month or so and have not posted much, but I have not forgotten this blog and plan to keep it going for some time in the future.  I have been posting to my Instagram account and here is a link.  I post everything from my personal images to photos that I have put on this blog.  I like the way Instagram works and the people that respond to my images are different than the ones that are just looking at blogs.  I have tried Twitter and have it linked to my blogs along with Facebook, but I do not really care for either one of those, especially Facebook.  That is it for today and I will be back with some new photos in several weeks.  Let me hear from you if you have any comments or questions and thanks again for looking … Frank

Twelfth Avenue Fire …

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12 Ave Looking South _ 1956_6x4_3 Jan 14_ SFW

On Sunday August 17, 1975, a fire destroyed this entire block. It was a Sunday morning around 11:00 when it started in the freezer of Exotic Florist.  There was an electrical short in the wiring of the freezer that held Exotic’s flowers.  This building was built sometime in the early 1950’s and the building code did not require fire walls between the offices … since there was no fire wall, all of the units shared a common attic.  Once the fire got into the attic, it was just a short time until all of the businesses where consumed in fire.  My father happened to be there at the time and was able to grab a few cameras and save them, but everything else in his studio was completely destroyed.  The following is a photographic story of the fire, the aftermath and the rebuilding of the block.  There are a lot of photos and they really need no explanation, so I won’t bother you with any …

Fire 2 _ RTP _ SFW

Fire 2 _ RTP _ 5 Mar 15 _ SFW

Fire _Looking South_RTP _SFW

Fire Crowd  _ RTP _ SFW

Start of Fire _ RTP _ SFW

Studio Fire 3 _ RTP_12 Nov 14 _ SFW

Studio Fire 18  _ RTP _SFW Add MediaStudio on Fire _ RTP _ SFW

Studio Fire  2  _ RTP  _ SFW

Studio Fire  20  _ RTP  _ SFW

Studio in Smoke _ RTP _ SFW

Studio After Fire Put Out _ RTP_ SFW

Fire Out _ RTP _ Best _ SFW

Studio Burned Out _ RTP _ SFW

Studio Fire  9  _ RTP   _ SFW

Studio Fire 1 _ BW _ RTP_SFW

I tried to enter the photographs in some type of sequence starting down at Exotic Florist and then moving north up 12th Avenue through the rest of the businesses.  The entire fire from start to finish only took an hour or so.  The firemen did an excellent job in getting the fire out and luckily they were able to save the Winn-Dixie grocery store.  Now the next photograph is the clean-up several days later …

Studio Burned _ RTP _ SFW

There was an alley between the grocery store and the building that burned, so I am sure that was the reason that Winn-Dixie did not burn.  But it did have smoke and some water damage.  The above photo was taken the following week and I am not sure of the date.  The Moulton’s owned the property and cleaned up the damage within a week or so.  Now, the next images are of the new building that was built within six months of the fire …

12th and Gonzalez Street   _ RTP_12 Nov 14 SFW

Aerial view of 12th and Gonzalez_SFW

The aerial photograph is one that I made years later, but I thought that it added something to the rest of the images.  The only businesses that went back in were Dr. Hoyt, Fischler Framing and my father.  This new building was completed by February 1976.  He had moved across the street to a vacant building on Gonzalez Street and this is where he had started his business in 1948.  There are several other photos that I might throw up later, but this is the majority of the images that I have collected / found through the years. The Pensacola News Journal did an article on my father and the fire, but I do not know if I am allowed to publish the photos and the write-up, with copyright laws and such.  Speaking of which, there is a local hospital that has been using my photos in their centennial advertisements without my permission or compensation, but that is a whole other story.  Thanks for looking and please check back.  Also, if anyone remembers the fire and happened to around when the fire started, I would like to hear from you … Frank.  I will leave you with one more view across the parking lot looking North.

Old Sacred Heart Hospital  _ 5x4_ RTP   SFW

A Few More From The Old Sacred Heart Hospital …

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Doctor and Patient _ RTP _ SFW

Here is a doctor and his patient discussing his upcoming surgery.  Or that is what it looks like to me.  I wonder when the doctor’s stopped using / wearing those things around their head to look into your throat or whatever part of your body that they were examining.  In fact, I hope someone out there can tell us what the name of that thing is that the doctor is wearing and what it’s purpose actually is.  I have often wondered what those things are called when I watch an old movie from the 1930’s or 40’s and you see the doctor wearing one.  Next is a couple of patients sitting outside in their wheelchairs …


Wheel Chairs  _ RTP _ SFW

This was taken on the south side of the hospital where the emergency rooms entrance was located.   I have to say that these wheelchairs look to be some of the first one’s ever designed and built.  That is all I have for today.  Thanks for looking and please check back … Frank

Coffee Cup Cashier …

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Coffee Cup Cashier  2 _SFW_13 Dec 14

This is only photo in my father’s files that I have of the Coffee Cup and it was made sometime back in the 1950’s.  Look closely at the post card rack and you will see his photo of the Hotel San Carlos that I have posted on this blog several times.  No clue who the lady is, I am sure that someone will recognize and identify her.  The counter looks exactly the same today, some sixty years later.  The photo was taken for the Cancer Society … here is one more photo …


Coffee Cup Cahier 1 _ RTP _ 13 Dec 14 _ SFW

I have not been in the Coffee Cup in a year or so, but I would not doubt if that same cash register is still sitting there.  Now that I am thinking about the Coffee Cup, I am starting to get hungry for some biscuits with their famous tomato gravy.  I guess that you would have to be raised in the South to appreciate tomato gravy and one more thing … they have the creamiest grits that you have ever tasted.  I would go tomorrow and eat breakfast, but you regulars know how crowed that place is on a Saturday morning.  If you do not get there by 6 or 7am, you will usually have an hour wait.  That’s it for me now, I will be posting some more in the next few days … Thanks for looking and please check back … Frank

The Old Kwik – Chek on Gonzalez Street …

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Kwik Check 2_RTP_4 Dec 14 _ SFW

Before it was Win-Dixie, it was called Kwik-Chek … how many of you can remember that name?  OK, I see a few hands out there, not many but I see a few.  I cannot tell you how many times that I walked around this store.  In fact, I can see the lay-out of the inside like it was yesterday and I had just been in picking-up some groceries.  They remodeled the store and did some cosmetic up-grades and then several months later they shut it down and moved out on Bayou Blvd.  It was a big shock to all of the businesses and homes in the neighborhood, since this was the first time that there was a grocery store on 12th Avenue in the vicinity.  I know that I have posted some other panoramas of this area and I do not believe that I have posted this exact one.  If I have, I am sorry.  I am getting to a point that I can not remember all of the hundreds of images I have posted and I do not feel like going back through them now.  Thanks … Frank

Written by Frank Hardy

December 4, 2014 at 1:30 pm

Posted in 1950's, East Hill, Twelfth Avenue

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Boy Blowing Bubbles in the Backseat …

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Boy Blowing Bubbles 1 _ Correct Scan _ RTP 2 _21 Nov 14_Lucis_Best _SFW

Ok, Ok … I made a mistake on the last ” Boy Blowing Bubbles ” image and I did scan it backwards.  I thought that it was sort of interesting that someone was driving an auto brought over from England since the steering wheel was located on the right side.  However, after Rusty noticed it and said that the image was backward, I went back and rescanned it correctly and worked it up.  I also did another negative that was in the envelope that I did not bother working up and posting earlier.  The detail in the car’s body is more interesting than the bubbles that the boy is blowing, which do not really show up all that well.  The car is parked on DeSoto Street in front of the offices on the side.  My father’s first studio was located here before he moved across the street to 12th Avenue, so this was made in the late 1940’s.  Next is another view straight on of the boy blowing bubbles and you see the north side of the old Sacred Heart Hospital in the background …


Boy Blowing Bubbles 2 _ Lucis and Sharp_RTP_21 Nov 14  _Crop 2 _ SFW

I do not know the make or model of the automobile, but it looks like it is brand new or it had just been washed and waxed.  As mentioned in the earlier post, I have no idea who this boy is but some of you out there might recognize the boy.  Thanks for looking and keeping me straight … if you ever notice a glaring mistake like I had made earlier, please let me know … Frank

Nurses At Sacred Heart Hospital In The 1940’s …

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Nurses By Flag_RTP _ SFW

Staying in the 1940’s, I scanned some prints that my father had made at the old Sacred Heart Hospital.  The three that I am posting are ones that I just scanned in the past several days … mostly because they did not require too much Photoshop work to get ready to put up on this site.  This first one has always been interesting to me and for some reason or another I have just never gotten around to scan it.  The next is a group of nurses on the steps out front of the hospital …


Nurses Out Front of Hospital   _ RTP _ SFW

Note all of the ivy on the walls out front of the hospital and also notice the round globe lights … I do not think that I have seen these before, maybe I have but I just do not recall at the moment.  The last one is of the nurses in the nursery with a newborn …


Nurses in Nursery _ RTP _ SFW

Notice the ” S C ” on the nurses pocket that stands for ” Sister’s of Charity “, the order that ran the hospital.  I wish I had more information to share with you about these images, but maybe someone out there might recognize some of the nurses in these photos and know something to share with us.  I will say that these images from the 1940’s and earlier are all prints that I scan … that accounts for the color of the images, which I think is interesting.  I could take the color out in Photoshop, but for some reason I like the color and tone of the images.  I will not necessarily that they have aged this color as much as I believe some where printed on a ” warm ” tone paper.  The images that are more black and white might have been printed on a ” cold ” tone paper.  Thanks for looking and if you know anything about any of these images, please feel free to comment.  Thanks for looking … Frank