Frank Hardy Made My Photographs Two

Archive for September 2015

Bret Harte’s Cabin …

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Brett Hart Cabin_5x5_8 Aug 15 _ S F I

My father made this photo on one of his trips out west to visit his sister in the 1940’s and 50’s.  I Googled “Bret Harte” a while back and I think I remember it saying that he was a writer out in California.  Here is a link to his Wikipedia site and I was correct about him being a writer.  I have seen this old photo for fifty years and never really thought much about it, but I  scanned the print and decided to post it just because I had it ready.  The only significance to me is that this is my 400th post on this blog.  I would guess that I have over 600 photos posted and it could be more since many posts have more than two images and a few have over ten.  When I started I had only planned to put up one image per post, then I started finding more and more images that were related.  In an effort to streamline my posts, I just thought that it would be easier to include all of the images that were related.  My only real goal out of this blog was to just share all of these images that I came across as I sorted through the thousands that I had of my father’s.   At some point in time in the future, I am going to try and put together a book of a lot of these image and see what type of response I get.  But that is for another time … Thanks for looking and if anyone has been to see Bret Harte’s cabin, let us hear from you.  For all I know it might have fallen down or it might have gotten burned up in all of the fires that they are having all over the state of California.  And if anyone has read any of Mr. Harte’s books, let us know what you think.  Thanks for looking and please check back … Frank

Written by Frank Hardy

September 15, 2015 at 11:58 am

Bronson Field …

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Bronson Field 7 _ RTP _ 11 Sept 15 _ SFW

These are some negatives that I purchased on Ebay of local air base Bronson Field.  I am not exactly sure where Bronson Field was located, but I want to say it was located somewhere near Perdido Bay.  I might be completely wrong there and the people that I purchased them from were not exactly sure either.  I cropped this negative to show just the flight line and the plane that is taking off below …


Bronson Field 7 _ RTP _ 11 Sept 15 _Cropped _ SFW


There is one other negative that I received and it shows the control tower along with the planes …


Bronson Fileld Negative Scan_RTP_11 Sept 15 _ SFW

And like the one above, I cropped out everything and just showed the flight line …


Bronson Fileld Negative Scan_RTP_11 Sept 15_Cropped  _SFW

The photos are nothing really special and you can tell that they were taken by an amateur, but the old cars and planes are interesting.  If anyone runs across anymore images like these on Ebay or anywhere else, please let me know.  I used to look on Ebay, but you can end up wasting a lot of time with just the shear volume that is on the site.  Most of it, to me, is a lot of junk / mess that people think are really valuable and exciting and I am not good at filtering it out.  Also, if you run across something at a flea market locally let me know.  Thanks again and if anyone knows something about Bronson Field, let us know … Frank



Written by Frank Hardy

September 15, 2015 at 11:37 am

Ice Machine …

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Ice Machine_5x5_8 Sept 15 _ SFW

I ran across this image years ago and did not pay attention to it until just the other day.  I had not noticed the ” 25 cents bag ” written on the door of the unit.  This had to have been taken back in the 1950’s and I do not where the machine was located.  You can tell that someone must have backed into it and they are filling an insurance claim on the unit for my father to have taken a photo of the ice machine.  It looks like it was located in front of a liquor store because those look like pints and half pints on the shelves on the right side of the frame.  I have been busy with other things the last several months ( one being Instagram – frankphardy ) and I have not posted much the last several months, but I am going to renew it for another year in a few weeks.  If anyone has any questions or comments, please let me hear them.  Thanks again for looking … Frank

Written by Frank Hardy

September 9, 2015 at 6:10 pm